Homebuyers & Building Surveys

The purchase of a property is one of the largest and most important investments that many of us make.

The best way to reach an informed decision on such an important transaction is to obtain a professional survey.

There are three types of survey:

1 – Homebuyers Survey.

An ideal inspection and report for most types of conventionally built properties which are apparently in reasonable condition.

It is a concise report in a standard RICS format detailing construction and condition, and has been carefully crafted to meet the requirements of the majority of house purchases.

The most common problems found in structures are highlighted, particularly structural movement, timber infestation/decay, and dampness. An inspection of exposed facets of the property, including accessible roof spaces, is made. Market and insurance valuations are also included. Cost approximately £475 to £600 (plus VAT) depending upon the size and age of the house.

2 – Professional Valuation.

The purchase of a home is one of the largest, and most important investments, that many of us make.

The best way to reach an informed decision on such an important transaction is to obtain a professional survey and valuation. Before you commit yourself legally, you can minimise the risks by asking a qualified surveyor.
